Higher Education Data Warehousing Forum
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Standing Orders


Higher Education and Data Warehousing Forum

Standing Orders

Approved by the HEDW Executive Board on January 23, 2024

Table of Contents Sections:

1 – Governing documents
2 - Affiliate Members
3 – Executive Board Membership
4 – Executive Officer and Board Elections
5 – Research Chair
6 – Conference Committee
7 – Communication Committee
8 – Future Conference Site Selection
9 – Financial Transactions
10 – Cash Reserves
11 – Reimbursements
12 – Whistleblower Policy
13 – Governance Review
14 – Executive Board Responsibilities

Appendix: Board Members and Election Summary

Section 1 – Governing Documents

The governing documents of HEDW are the Constitution, Bylaws, Standing Orders, and Code of Conduct.

Section 2 – Affiliate Members

Any member of the Executive Board can recommend someone for affiliate membership. Affiliate membership is approved by simple majority of the Executive Board and is valid for one year. The Communications Chair will maintain the list of Affiliate members and will present the list for review and renewal by the Executive Board on an annual basis.

Section 3 – Executive Board Membership

The HEDW Executive Board consists of up to 13 members. Only one member from an individual institution may be a member of the Executive Board at a time. Exceptions may be granted when an institution is hosting a conference and either the Conference or Program Chair is from the same institution as another Executive Board member. Each member is limited to three terms as an elected member with a limit of 12 total years of service as a member of the Executive Board. When a new Treasurer takes office, the previous Treasurer will serve one year as an ex-officio member of the Executive Board as past Treasurer. Ex-officio members can attend all Executive Board calls and functions but cannot participate in Executive Board votes.

Section 4 – Executive Officer and Board Elections

Before the fall Executive Board meeting, the Past President will poll each Executive Board member to determine which positions will be available for the next election. If the current President does not wish to run for a second term or is reaching the end of their total years of service, the Past President will poll all eligible members of the Executive Board to determine interest in the position. To be eligible, a candidate must be a member in good standing, must be current member of the Executive Board, and must have previously served as an Executive Officer. Each candidate will be asked to share their vision and then the Past President will distribute ballots to the other Board members. If a candidate does not receive a majority, a second vote will be conducted. If after a third vote, no candidate receives a majority, the winner will be decided by a coin flip. Once the President is determined, the Past President will work with the President to develop a slate of Executive Officers and Chairs. The President will present the slate to the Board for approval no later than the December Board call. The results will be announced at the annual meeting with the new terms beginning at the end of the meeting. At the fall Executive Board meeting, the Past President will provide a list of Executive Board positions that will become open at the end of the current term and submit a schedule to the Executive Board for approval that provides for the nomination and election process to fill those positions. The Past President will conduct the nomination process and be responsible for certifying the eligibility of each candidate. Certified candidates will be submitted to the Executive Board for approval. The slate of approved candidates must be presented to the membership at least 30 days prior to the deadline for voting on them with voting being open for at least 14 days. The Past President will conduct the election and certify the results. The results will be announced at the annual meeting.

Section 5 – Additional Positions
The Executive Board may create and fill additional positions as necessary.  These positions are intended to be short-term and are considered ex-officio members of the Executive Board.  Creation of a position requires approval by a simple majority of the Executive Board and is based on a specific set of responsibilities and deliverables based on a specified timeframe.  These positions can be filled by any HEDW member in good standing.  The President is responsible for presenting a candidate which is to be approved by a simple majority of the Executive Board.  Service in these positions does not count towards the maximum Executive Board service limit nor prohibit the member from running for Executive Board membership.

Section 6 – Conference Committee

The annual conference is the primary activity of HEDW and the main source of revenue for HEDW. This section outlines the guidelines for the operation of the committee. The host institution for the conference will submit a representative of the institution for approval as Conference Chair at least two years prior to the conference. The representative should be a member of HEDW in good standing. Once approved by the Executive Board, the representative will join the Executive Board as Program Chair for the conference prior to the one they are hosting and then transition to the Conference Chair position in the next year when they are hosting. The main committee will consist of the Conference Chair, Program Chair, and Sponsor Chair. The President, Treasurer, Communication Chair and Past Conference Char (when possible) are also part of the conference committee and should participate in planning as necessary. The Conference Chair may propose additional members of the committee to the Executive Board for approval. Those members must be HEDW members in good standing. The Conference Chair is responsible for the overall annual conference planning. They will present a budget to the Executive Board for their approval that includes all revenue and expenses for the conference including rates. They will present a conference agenda to the Executive Board for approval and ensure all contracts are signed by the President prior to execution. They will also be responsible for ensuring all financial matters are completed in a timely fashion and present a final report to the Executive Board. The Program Chair will normally be the next Conference Chair and is responsible for the annual conference program. They will present a program outline to the Executive Board for approval and be responsible for overseeing the solicitation, review, and selection of all presentations. They will also be responsible for session and presenter management prior to and during the annual conference. The Sponsor Chair is responsible for organizing, planning, and coordinating vendor participation in the annual conference including display space, presentations, and other vendor activities. The Conference Chair should identify individuals to oversee any special sessions (i.e. Keynote and Training) associated with the conference. Those individuals should prepare and submit a proposal to the Executive Board for final selection of the presenters in these parts of the conference. The Conference Chair should identify an individual to oversee solicitation, review, and awarding of any Conference Scholarships. That individual should prepare and submit a plan to the Executive Board for approval prior to starting solicitation. That plan should include the criteria for selection. Selected recipients should be approved by the Executive Board prior to notification.

Section 7 – Communication Committee

The HEDW shall have a Communication Committee chaired by the Communication Chair. That committee will be responsible for coordinating all HEDW communication and managing the website. The committee will create and maintain an overall schedule and plan that incorporates all of the regular communication including the annual conference.

Section 8 – Future Conference Site Selection

The Executive Board should always have future sites under contract at least two years in advance of the annual conference. The Executive Board will define minimum requirements to be used in evaluating sites. The Past President will oversee the evaluation process and present a recommendation to the Executive Board for their approval.

Section 9 – Financial transactions

The Treasurer and President will both be authorized to spend money on behalf of HEDW. Any requests for disbursements should be submitted to the Treasurer for processing and should be approved by the Executive Board member responsible for that area or activity prior to disbursement. All single item expenses in excess of $2500 and all contracts, outside of conference expenses, require approval by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board. The annual financial report and 990 will be made available to the membership.

Section 10 – Cash Reserves

The HEDW should maintain sufficient cash reserves to sustain the organization in the event of unexpected circumstances that negatively impact the revenue stream. Those reserves should be sufficient to operate the organization for two years including any expenses and liabilities currently on the books. As part of year-end close, there should be a formal review and adjustment of the amount and the reserve should be identified in the financial statements.

Section 11 – Reimbursements

Executive Board members are normally responsible for their own transportation, lodging, and meals associated with HEDW activities. The Executive Board reserves the right to pay for certain expenses such as meals associated with Executive Board meetings. Individual reimbursements may be allowed under special circumstances. Those requests should be submitted to the Treasurer for review and presentation to the Executive Board for their approval.

Section 12 – Whistleblower Policy

The Executive Board requires directors, officers, and contracted partners to observe high standards in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. As representatives of HEDW, they must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. This Whistleblower Policy is intended to encourage and enable members and others to raise serious concerns internally so that HEDW can address and correct inappropriate conduct and actions. It is the responsibility of all Executive Board members and HEDW members to report concerns about violations of HEDW governing documents or suspected violations of law or regulations that govern HEDW operations. No Executive board member or HEDW member who in good faith reports a violation of the governing documents shall suffer harassment, retaliation, or adverse consequence. An Executive board member who retaliates against someone who has reported a violation in good faith is subject to discipline up to an including termination of appointment. This Whistleblower Policy is intended to encourage and enable members and others to raise serious concerns within the HEDW prior to seeking resolution outside the organization. The HEDW has an open door policy and suggests that members or others share their questions, concerns, suggestions, or complaints with the President or any other Executive Officer not directly involved with the matter.

Section 13 – Governance Review

The HEDW Executive Board shall conduct a full review of the governance documents at least once every three (3) years.

Section 14 – Executive Board Responsibilities

Executive Board members are expected to be active participants in the governance and operation of HEDW. Examples of such participation include but are not limited to:

1. Monthly phone calls
2. Two in-person meetings each year. One meeting is normally held during the fall and the other immediately following the conference.
3. Participate in ongoing Board business
4. Assist in creating content for HEDW website
5. Assist in facilitating webinars
6. Special phone calls or meetings as called by the President.


Board Members and Election Summary
No.Executive OfficerExecutive BoardPositionNominated by Board (i.e. only one candidate)Determined by Membership Voting
5xxCommunications ChairYesN/A
6 xConference Chair - Current YearN/AN/A
7 xProgram Chair (Conference Chair - coming year)N/AN/A
8 xAt LargeNoN/A
9 xAt LargeNoYes
10 xAt LargeNoYes
11 xAt LargeNoYes
12 xAt LargeNoYes
13 xAt LargeNoYes